Security Review

The Agony of Security Questionnaires: Why RFP Software is the Wrong Answer

March 20, 2024
Min Read

For security teams, security questionnaires are a constant headache.  While RFP (Request for Proposal) software exists to streamline responses for sales teams, it creates new problems in the security realm. This article explores the key differences between RFP software and security questionnaire solutions, highlighting the pain points RFP software creates and how Pelonia, a purpose-built security questionnaire platform, addresses them.

The RFP Mismatch

The 2021 Customer Trust Benchmark Report reveals a harsh reality: companies using RFP software for security questionnaires face three major challenges:

  • Manual Review Purgatory: Reviewing answers remains a tedious, manual process. Imagine wading through hundreds of questions, one by one, ensuring each answer aligns with your company's security posture. RFP software offers little automation, leaving security teams drowning in a sea of paperwork.
  • Interdepartmental Tug-of-War: Coordinating responses across different teams is a constant struggle. Legal, product, and sales teams all hold pieces of the security puzzle. RFP software offers minimal collaboration tools, forcing security teams to play email tag and herd cats to gather the necessary information.
  • Import/Export Impasse: Transferring questionnaires between formats is clunky and time-consuming. Security questionnaires come in all shapes and sizes – PDFs, emails, online portals – and RFP software often struggles to import and export information cleanly. This data wrangling eats into valuable security team resources.

These issues stem from a fundamental mismatch. RFP software prioritizes sales, aiming to efficiently convert leads. Security questionnaires, however, require a different approach. They focus on building trust with potential customers by demonstrating robust security practices. RFP software is  ill-equipped to handle the complexities of security reviews, leaving security teams frustrated and vulnerable.

Pelonia: Built for Security

Unlike RFP software, Pelonia is designed specifically for security questionnaires.  Here's how Pelonia tackles the common pain points:

  • Effortless Knowledge Base Maintenance:some text
    • Curated Expertise: Assign subject matter experts to maintain specific question answers, ensuring accuracy. Pelonia empowers you to tap into the collective knowledge of your security team, eliminating the risk of outdated or inaccurate information.
    • Automated Refresh: Schedule automatic re-verification of questions to keep your knowledge base current. Security practices and regulations are constantly evolving. Pelonia automates the process of ensuring your answers reflect the latest security posture.
    • Confidence-Inspiring Answers: Up-to-date answers instill trust in potential customers searching your self-serve FAQ. A robust and current knowledge base empowers prospects to find answers on their own, reducing the burden on your security team and demonstrating your commitment to transparency.
  • Streamlined Collaboration:some text
    • Sales Team as First Responders: Empower sales teams to handle initial responses for smaller customers, freeing up security resources. Pelonia allows you to strategically delegate tasks, enabling your security team to focus on high-impact activities.
  • Goodbye Import/Export Headaches:some text
    • Self-Serve Solutions: Reduce the need for questionnaires altogether by offering an FAQ section with commonly asked questions and answers. A comprehensive FAQ empowers prospects to find answers independently, saving everyone time and frustration.
    • Natural Language Processing: Pelonia's knowledge base utilizes natural language processing for faster and more relevant answer retrieval. No more sifting through endless lists of questions. Pelonia uses natural language processing to surface the most relevant information quickly.
    • Focus on Security: By eliminating the need for RFP clutter, Pelonia prioritizes security-focused questions, leading to quicker responses. With a platform dedicated solely to security questionnaires, your team can focus on providing accurate and timely security information.

The Path to Security Questionnaire Nirvana

Pelonia offers a new path forward for security teams. By ditching the RFP software crutch and embracing a purpose-built solution, security teams can transform the questionnaire process from a frustrating chore into an efficient tool for building trust and fostering customer confidence.  Imagine a world where security questionnaires are no longer a source of dread, but rather an opportunity to showcase your commitment to security. Pelonia can help you achieve just that.

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Don’t wait for customers to request information. Set up your Pelonia Security Hub today and get it running in no time.

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