
Introducing Pelonia: Unlocking the power AI and LLMs to help business to grow faster.

March 20, 2024
Min Read

As former founders of SaaS companies, we've encountered numerous challenges in growing our business, but one that has always stood out is the process of security reviews. It's a vital part of the sales process, but it's almost always cumbersome, complex, and exhausting for both sellers and buyers.

What truly stands out when delving into security reviews is their repetitive nature, variations, and complexity for both parties. It's a manual and cumbersome process. Yet, security reviews aren't just a procedural checkbox; they are pivotal moments that can significantly impact a business's trajectory and growth. Research underscores this importance, revealing that a staggering 75% of customers prioritise security when evaluating potential vendors or service providers.

This is where Pelonia comes in: to revolutionise the landscape of security reviews and empower companies to grow faster. With Pelonia, we believe there's a better way forward, leveraging the significant advances we've seen in AI and LLMs to simplify the process. By combining automation and intelligence and merging the best aspects of human and computer reviews, we believe we can make the pain of security reviews a thing of the past.

What excites us most at Pelonia is the opportunity to empower people to focus on what they do best. By letting computers handle the heavy lifting of reviewing and flagging issues, we can free up humans to tackle more critical tasks. It's a win-win situation.

Our first version of the tool is currently in closed beta, where we are diligently working to improve it, listening to customer feedback, and finding new ways to add value. Looking ahead, we are excited to expand our closed beta program in the coming autumn, inviting forward-thinking organisations to join us on our journey towards simpler, smarter, and more intelligent security reviews.

Take the first step

Don’t wait for customers to request information. Set up your Pelonia Security Hub today and get it running in no time.

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